Days of Jerusalem

The name of the DAYS OF JERUSALEM festival is derived from the historic name of a town which is considered to be one of the most important places in the history of humankind. In the course of three millennia Jerusalem was destroyed and re-built on several occasions. However, it always remained a point of spiritual and cultural intersection – a centre fostering the development of society. Days of Jerusalem present Jerusalem as an open space for peaceful coexistence of people of different religions, a place where religions can learn about each other, sharing a life in tolerance. It is a place where Jews and Arabs, supporters of Judaism, Christianity and Islam can cooperate. The Days of Jerusalem festival is proud to have the Hate Free Fest label, granted by the Hate Free Culture initiative, whose ideas and values are reflected in the nature of the festival.
Days of Jerusalem is a unique international festival with an established tradition in the Czech Republic. It is a multi-genre festival focusing on a variety of audiences of all different age groups. You will find dance, music, visual arts, film or culinary arts amongst the genres. It brings Jerusalem's vitality and the creative energy of the local young artists, the mirror of a vibrant cultural city.
The aim of the festival is to give our visitors an idea about the reality of a city which is intimately linked to European culture despite its distance in space and time. This link can probably be best expressed by local artists. Days of Jerusalem is an apolitical multicultural event which offers space to creative Jerusalemites of different confessions and ethnicities. The festival sees its aim in serving as a platform for meetings and debates as well as a platform for confrontation of a diverse spectrum of artistic views and directions, which have been dynamically evolving in the heart of this ancient cultural, spiritual and civilizational centre for centuries.
This year, visitors will have the opportunity to see the co-production exhibition of fine arts and design with artists from Pilsen and Jerusalem, presented under the direction of two curators, Czech and Jerusalemite. The visitors will also be able to taste various dishes from Jerusalem’s cuisine prepared by a Palestinian and an Israeli chef, see a co-production dance performance choreographed by Jerusalem dancer Sofia Krantz and nine Czech dancers, visit film projections, listen to underground Jerusalem hip-hop, listen to interesting lectures, participate in workshops or visit the Jerusalem café.